Are you looking for an automatic gluing system equipped with optical vision? Are you looking for precision, ease of...
news Articles
Demo Colzi 2024
Dear customer, we are pleased to invite you to our COLZI dealer, on 21 and 22 May some of our new products will be...
Update, international events 2024
Dear customers, we are pleased to invite you to our next international events: From february 1 to 3 we will be at the...
ANPIC 2024
Dear customer, we are pleased to invite you to Anpic 2024, you can meet us at our reseller stand Dimaes STANDS: C2A01,...
TECNICA DEL CALZADO footwear layout
Check out our latest news on TECNICA del CALZADO (page 20-21). For more information write us at commerciale@gallispa.
Davide Albertario Milano, 40 years of excellence in high-end leather goods
Davide Albertario Milano has established itself as a reference point in the world of Made in Italy leather goods...
Galli Spa, keywords: intercept the future
Galli launches the “Interactive 3D Layout Factory,” the new frontier of human- machine interaction, and aims for total...
Check out our latest news on TECNICA del CALZADO. For more information write us at commerciale@gallispa.
Shoulder straps working zone layout
In a leather goods market that is increasingly attentive to the environment, energy consumption and flexible...